Pregnant after IF

Must Ask a Baby Name Question (sorry!)

DH and I have always had trouble with boy names.  We've been going around and around about names for a while now.  We have it narrowed down to 2 names (at the moment), and one is really our favorite, but DH just raised a concern that is throwing me for a loop.

The 2 names we're thinking of using are:

Adam Jacob (our favorite) or William Jacob

We are starting to not like William as much because it's so popular, and also because I'm scared of Bill/Billy/Willy nicknames.  We would call the baby Will.  Jacob is a family name.  Adam we love... but as DH just pointed out to me last night, it's also the name of my father's fiance's son.  The son is almost 30 years old, and we see him maybe twice a year - but now I'm worried using the name Adam will somehow be offensive to my father or his fiance.  

Also - we don't want to ask them if they care, because we've don't want anyone to know the baby's name before he's born.  Just our personal preference - which maybe we should rethink because of this issue, I don't know.  

What do you guys think?  Use the name anyway, since it's the only one we love?  Use the other name, that we are starting to waver on?  Start from scratch????

The Table Has Shoes (and Other Ambiguities)
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Me = lean PCOS;DH = poor morphology (3%)
3 IUI/TI cycles = BFN
IVF #1 with ICSI: antagonist protocol = BFFN
IVF #2 with ICSI : Lupron downregulation = BFFN...FML
IVF #3 with ICSI and AH (Antagonist) = IT'S A BOY!!!!


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