Single Parents

need help please..

Im currently 28 weeks pregnant, and the father is no longer in the picture. He left me a month ago and since then hasnt spoken a word to me and refuses to acknowledge that he has a daughter on the way. I know guarenteed the child is his. I am 18 years old, with no vehicle, no job, and i dont know what to do. I have a mom who is helping to support me throughout everything but its rough sometimes. i love my daughter more than anything already and i will never give her up for adoption just as my choice. what do i do about the father though? i know that when the child is born i can court order a dna test to prove its his and get child support but he doesnt make much at his job and hes already paying child support on another kid and he barely makes payments on that kid. i have a guarenteed job after i have the kid and the six weeks after she is born. i am trying to do my best and im taking online college courses right now too. am i doing the right thing? And the stress of not having the father around is horrible. he left me saying that i couldnt make him happy. and just left without even blinking an eye and doesnt even care the slightest about his unborn child. :( its really hard to deal with because i still love him even though hes put me through so much. I dont know how to get over him. and i dont know if i should date while im expecting... it just feels wrong to me.. :/ is that normal?
Heather Renee
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