June 2011 Moms

Going Crazy...(Baby not sleeping) Phase or Pain?

I can't figure out what is going on with Avery. We had a very rough night. She went to bed at 7 as usual. She then woke up a 9. I got her up for a few mins to change her diaper because it was soaked, then put her right back down. She didn't fall asleep until after 12:30. She was screaming the whole time unless she was with DH or I. We tried laying her down with us (she has never slept in our bed) and all she wanted to do was play or fuss. Finally after trying everything I knew, I gave her a dose of Tylenol.

She was sick earlier this week. Stomach bug and teething. But yesterday she was fine all day long. No fever or anything. 

I finally went to bed at 1. She was back up at 2:15 screaming. I got her up and laid her on the couch with me. She went right back to sleep. 20 - 30 mins later she was screaming again and would not lay down or she would lay on me for a few mins at a time and start crying again. I finally got her back to bed around 3:30. She slept until 7:30 and was screaming again, went back to sleep until 10.

She is so exhausted but when I put her in her crib she just screams. She is walking around really fussy. I am at my wits end. This is not like her. She is a very content baby and only cries when something is wrong. I don't know what else to do for her.

Am I dealing with a new "phase" or do you think she is in pain? 

ETA: Grammar 

~ Cassie ~

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