
Question for C-section moms

I did not have a C-section, I was able to have a vaginal birth.

I am just curious though, I am trying to understand, I know a lot of women have Emergency C sections their first birth (and others plan them for various reasons), but why do so many people get repeat C-sections instead of trying for VBACs?

I was very high risk and my OB kept telling me I was either going to need an induction or a C-section (or possibly both!). I put my foot down with him and told him that unless he showed me paperwork to PROVE that I needed one or the other or both, I was not doing that (now if it was life or death for my baby, that would have been different). I was borderline Pre-E and was warned it could turn into HELLP. I told him that unless it was ACTUAL Pre-E or ACTUAL HELLP then I did not want anything less than a vaginal birth. I lucked out in that my DD came on her own early (not induced) at exactly 37 wks so I guess my condition didn't really have much of a chance to get "worse" than it was b/c of her early arrival, so that all worked out. If I had had to have a C-Section though, I would in no way want a repeat, I would absolutely go for a VBAC!

Just curious, if you elected for a C-section, why? And if you didn't want a VBAC for your 2nd or subsequent birth, why?

I am so happy I was able to do it vaginally, but I know that isn't the case for everyone out there and there are a lot of women who can't.

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