Pregnant after IF

Because I'm curious..... GTKY Poll

Share how you got here! 

1.  What treatment led to your BFP?

2.  Singleton, twins, more?

3.  If IUI, how many follies did you have?  If IVF, how many embies did you transfer and on what day?

4.  What fun baby-related thing are you currently the most excited about? (Outside of having a healthy take-home baby of course!)

Me: 31 DH: 30
Dx DOR (AMH .49), Stage 3/4 Endo, Septate Uterus
After 2 years, numerous tests, abdonimal surgery, and 2 IVF cycles, we are so grateful to be expecting.
Transferred 2 "perfect" 8-cell embies 6/12. Beta 1 6/25: 472! Beta 2 6/27: 1055!
First u/s shows TRIPLETS! WHAT?!?! Both embies stuck and one split. OMG

Levi, Henry, and Amelia were born healthy at 34w3d.
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