Pregnant after IF

Emily Alice is here!

My last post in 3rd tri check in (week of 6/26) I was close to 3.5cm dilated and 75% effaced as of 6/28. So my baby girl decided to have her birthday on 6/29, 6 days early!

Labor was very fast and intense. I woke up at 2am with contractions that got stronger and lucky me that my water broke while on one of  my trips to the restroom. Woke my husband up and we headed to labor & delivery. Got to L&D around 415am and contractions were stronger. And when they checked my cervix while having a contraction. OMG, I thought i was going to die. Finally was sent to a delivery room and got hooked up there to oxygen because baby's heart rate was slowing down a lot. I asked the nurses for an epidural because I was in pain and wanted it anyway. They denied me because they had to run blood tests on me and I was so far dilated that there wouldn't have been time. The on-call OB arrived around 520am and I started pushing since I couldn't hang. I pushed for 24 minutes and at 544am, Emily Alice was born! She weighed 8.5lbs, 20" long and no epidural. Have one minor tear but am still sore downstairs. My DH was able to cut the cord and we had some nice family bonding time after they cleaned me up. I was discharged 36 hours later.

But Emily is doing great so far...she lost a little weight and gained it back overnight. I'm breastfeeding her and had some latch issues early but with the help of an LC, we're back on track. My husband was super supportive and a great partner during the whole thing, I couldn't have asked for someone who was more relaxed than I was. He rocked at helping me try to relax and has been helping so much at home. 

Thanks for reading this novel but I wanted to share. Miracles do happen and it's the best thing ever when you have your little one in your arms. 

Need to find a pic to resize and post it! But I promise she's cute :)


Me (33)& DX: DOR, FSH-20.3; DH(28):SA=normal 8/11 HSG= clear!
IUI #1 10/12/11 (Bravelle + HCG + Prometrium & acupuncture) = 10/26 BFP! Beta #1=250, Beta #2= 615. 1st u/s 11/8. image Visit The Nest! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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