Single Parents

When does this get easier?

So over the last couple days ive been reading a lot on seperation and how it can affect our children especially children as young as my LOs. So I send a few articles to my ex for him to read as well as asking him if we can try to get ahold for our daughters sake and that they both deserve to have us in there lives etc. He never responded. He was suppose to have our daughter today from 2-11 he text me at work at 7 saying he was dropping her off with my mom at 930. I told him that was fine but from now on he needs to ask and not just tell us what he is doing in case my mom has plans. He acted completely like an ass when I told him that saying that it was for me he was dropping her off early so that I didnt have to pick her up but I know it was so he could go to the bar and drink.

He also informed me today that he had no food at his house for our daughter and I told him I would send her with food but from now on he needed to make sure he had all the supplies she needs while she is with him which pissed him off even more. I tried to talk to him today and tell him we really need to figure this out and his response was that he didnt have to *** talk to me about anything. It broke me down and made me cry I finally gave him a big FU over the phone and hung up. I swear he knows im on "bedrest" yet he doesnt care how stressed out I am or how much he hurts me. At this point I dont want him anywhere near this baby cause its obvious he doesnt give a damn about her or me.

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