Pregnant after IF

Need Help With Creative Excuse!

We are supposed to go to a 4th party at a (nosy) friend's house tomorrow. They called today to tell us their kid has a virus but that as long as we avoid his drool and poop, we're fine. I thought nothing of it and figured I just wouldn't hold him. However, a whole slew of people have mentioned on FB tonight that their kids got hand foot mouth disease (or whatever the exact term is) at daycare this week. If thats what their kid has, I can't be near it. So I don't want to call and ask, because that would be suspicious. But I really feel like it isn't a good idea to go there, either. Ideas? If DH goes, can he bring it home? He doesn't want to go if thats the case. I feel a little bad because its a small gathering, but I don't want to do anything dumb, either. Ideas?
Married Since June 2008, TTC Since July 2009
M/c and D&C Mar 2011 at 9.5 weeks, Chemical/MC Jan 2012
2 IUI's with BFN
IVF June 2012 - 8R, 0F, Rescue ICSI gave us a 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell), Beta #1: 70, Beta #2: 336, Beta #3: 1188
7/10/12: 1st u/s, 7/20/12: 2nd u/s w/ heartbeat at 7w0d
EDD: 3/8/12
Everyone Welcome! :)
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