Pregnant after IF

IVF Survival Kit Ideas

Hi girls. I am currently pregnant with my first child (a boy!) and all thanks to IVF with ICSI. One of by best friends has a three year old son from literally her first try at getting pregnant. Sounds unfair, right? Well, life is crazy, and now she's been trying to have baby #2 for some time, and after 4 failed IUIs, she's moving on to IVF.

I want to make her an IVF Survival Kit to make it easier on her. I need some of your ideas. I was thinking definitely chocolate (I used to have one Hershey Kiss after each injection, which some nights was as many as 4) and maybe a nice soft pair of shorts, without a drawstring to irritate the injection sites. What other ideas can you girls think of? Maybe a gift card to her fave ice cream shop?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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