Pregnant after IF

L&D eval time?

So, I've been having some odd shooting pain the past few days. It was pretty terrible yesterday. Today is better, but with back pain i the mix. My insurance has a nurse that calls for regular updates on the pg and when I mentioned it to her she asked that I inform my doc. So, I called the office and they didn't have anyone around to check me out due to vacations and deliveries, so they sent me to l&d triage.

I feel like such a dork being here for evaluation for something that is likely nothing. Anyone else been though this? Will they let me leave quickly if the monitor shows all is well with the baby? 

I wish I never made that stupid call :( 

After a loss and 4 IUIs, a surprise BFP while on rest cycle due to cysts and "supercharged ovaries" brought us baby M.
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