Salt Lake City Babies

OB/Midwife suggestions?

I currently am seeing a midwife, have less than 2 months to go, and want to change to another doctor/midwife. I want a very natural birth. I come from a family of home births, and I would like it to be as similar to a home birth as possible. My midwife has strong opinions and makes me feel uncomfortable with expressing my own wants and opinions. She harps on me for my weight gain every time I go in. I'm SUPER self-conscience about the weight I've gained and feel so ugly. I give myself enough of a hard time, I don't need her getting on my case about it too. But I could handle that if there weren't other issues too. I feel like she's more concerned with telling me what she thinks is best and wants for me, rather than asking what I want, and helping me have the kind of birth experience I want to have.

I would really appreciate any suggestions you can give me. I live in Murray. I planned to deliver at LDS hospital (but am ok with changing that), and have IMC affiliated insurance. 

I'm kind of in a hurry to find someone new since I have such little time before my due date!

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