Pregnant after IF

Beta and Progesterone Results

My beta is 22 Sad. I am not thrilled, but I am also only CD25 (probably around 10dpo or so). My nurse said that they are very happy with my number, since I am so early.

My progesterone is 12. I know over 10 is good, but the RE likes me to be above 15, so I am starting Prometrium 200mg vaginally once per day. Ugh. I was hoping to avoid that Stick out tongue Again, they are happy with the number because of how early I am.

So, I am wondering, at around CD25, would 22 make you happy? Or would you be worried? BEcause I am worried.  TIA!

Lilypie Maternity tickers
James Robert ("JR") Due 3/15/2013! Our Miracle!
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