Dads & Dads-to-be

Making this a space for men

I'm wondering what you guys are thinking about this board so far. Overall, I've really liked some of the dicussions we've been able to have, but sometimes the amount of input from the mothers and mothers to be make the board not feel like a "safe space" for men to talk about issues regarding dads and dads to be.

 The thread on pumping breastmilk is a prime example ( The first 8 posts aside from OP were all women belittling the contribution that OP made to the breastfeeding process.

Another example is the regular posts from when asking for advice on how to deal with their husbands. While I think all of us are willing to provide help where able, the fact that the last three new posts made to the board were from women asking for assistance in dealing with their husbands puts into perspective what we are currently getting out of this board.

I guess my question, when you really get down to it, is what can we do to make this board better for dads and dads to be (the title)? What can we do to make this a safe space where we can actually talk about what we are dealing with without being scolded by the moms and moms to be that inhabit 99% of this site?

To be clear, I believe that most of the contributions made by women in the dads section are helpful. Some, however, actually limit how engaged men become in participating on these boards.

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