Babies on the Brain

babies on the brain...

ugh I can't get it out of my head ... My husband and I have been marrried for 7 years . We were in no rush to become parents, for we wanted to enjoy time with each other . I also was 20 and he was 22 when we got married, now being 27 and 29 I feel like it is time to take that next step. I know no one is 100% ready for a child, but I am feeling the longing to become a mother... am I nuts ? Of course now that I am baby crazed that's all I see or hear is that everyone is pregnant... I have gone off Birth control simply because I want my body to be ready for I have been on the pill since I was 15 due to heavy irregular periods. My husband and I have unprotected sex on a regular basis and nothing.. but it's hard to tract my period because ever since nixing the BC I have been irregular again. So we haven't been gun ho on trying for a baby , but should I be worried it hasn't happened naturally with no protection between us? I have been working out and watching what I eat to help with my weight , I am a curvy woman but believe to be in good shape. My visit to my doctor for my annual check up went well , passed with flying colors as usual and when I mentioned wanted to try for a baby she gave me good info and pre-natals and nothing about trying to loss weight first so I think I have a go for that . When we have kids it will be my parents first grand children which fuels me even more to be able to give them to them. My grand parents were a big part of my life and I lost them at the age of 18 and want my kids to love my parents as much as I do and get to enjoy them longer than I got to with my grand parents... Sorry for the rambling just what inside my head on a daily basis.. am I nuts for feeling this way or is this normal... I would love to hear from others in the same boat or were there at one point in time. thank you , Emilyimage
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