Babies on the Brain

Update on my pediatrician's felonies

LONG UPDATE- Last week I posted about feeling guilty regarding taking my daughter to her pediatrician after I found out she was charged with felony Child Endangerment and Aggravated DUI.

Background: Prior to taking my daughter to this pedi, I looked her up, made sure she was board certified, had no complaints etc... well fast forward to when she gave my daughter the wrong immunizations, and called to tell me she forgot ONE shot, I decided to switch doctors after finding out she neglected to give my daughter four immunizations and was going to give the correct shots outside of the regular "window" to do so. I decided to look deeper into her qualifications etc. and came across her mug shot and charges (incident occurred last month).

She plead guilty to her charges, and I found out (from the police report) that she had been drinking alcohol from 5AM-8AM and had a narcotic and a beta blocker in her system, her blood alcohol level was right under four times the legal limit and she got into an accident with her two grandchildren (both under the age of four) in the vehicle. The children had to be removed by the jaws of life and they were taken into DHS custody as her home situation was found unsafe- her daughter I guess lived with her in the home.

In our state, doctors are on the honor system slef report as they are not checked up upon until their next license renewal- which for her was June 2013. In her practice she is one of four doctors, and they are all related. I called and turned her in to the board and she is now being investigated and facing suspension. The other doctors in her practice are also being investigated and may face dicsiplinary action as they knew about her felonies and did not say anything (they are required by law to report if they have knowledge).

The local media contacted me regarding this issue and I did a story with two local news channels. I did not use the doctor's name publicly. I just wanted to get the word out there that people should check up periodically as things can happen at anytime. Had she not given my child the wrong shots, I wouldn't have checked. The news tried to get the Dr's side of things as well and she said she did nothing wrong and that her interaction with her grandchildren and what she does in her free time has nothing to do with how she cares for the public!?!?!

Congrats if you made it through this. I just had to share my LONG experience.

SiggySiggy1Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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