Single Parents

Looking for a new support group

So, I stumbled upon this site via TK which I've been on for a while just lurking from a previous engagement that was broken off. I have lurked a little on this board and realized I really missed having that group of women who just understood what I was going through. Anyway, decided I would introduce myself!

My name is Kara. I'm 28 years old and a single momma to Rylan (who is 6, but the only date it would allow in my profile was 2007!). He was diagnosed with ADHD earlier this year, which has been a struggle for a long time. His father and I actually have a pretty unorthodox relationship as we were friends before and after I became pregnant. He lives out of state (quite far away) and we honestly get along really well. I'm very blessed to not have to deal with that drama. 

However, with him living so far away I obviously have my kiddo 24/7. I rely a lot on the support of friends and family and without them wouldn't still be sane today! But, with my son's behavior problems sometimes I just feel so alone. My boyfriend is amazing with dealing with our situation and talking me through the bad nights (and days). 

So before I continue to ramble on I just wanted to say hi and I hope to get to know some new people and make some new friends :) 

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