Single Parents

Blended families and uncooperative exes (Rant-y)

I've been a single mom for a long time now. My eldest's father left when she was 9 months old and I've since remarried and am expecting in January. DH is an amazing step-dad, has been since the day he entered the picture for which I am eternally grateful... The problem is that my daughter's father is...horrible. He didn't speak to us for a long time after he left, and then about a year ago he started coming back around. My daughter stayed with him every other weekend and things seemed to be going well. Then about a month ago, he sprang on us that he was moving. To Oregon. We live in Iowa. And then 10 days later he left without even saying goodbye to our little girl. She turns four next month and he won't even be back for that. I have no idea when he'll be back to see her or even if. Needless to say, my daughter is devastated. She's got me, she's got her step-dad, and she's got infinite unconditional love pouring from every section of our combined families...but she misses her daddy. I don' t know what to do to make her feel better; I feel so helpless. =( Anyone else ever have to deal with something like this? Any input I could get would be greatly appreciated, you ladies are amazing.
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