Babies on the Brain

Back after a long time and baby drama !

Well after a long hiatus of no bump I decided that I could use some support with the baby drama that is my life these days.

My last SN family and friends knew so Im going to keep this one anonymous so they stay out of the drama LOL

We have one DS who is nearing 3 and I desperately want another child. Not only did I develop a serious condition ( that could complicate another PG)  while PG with DS but DH does not want another child now. I have proposed adoption but DH veto's that at every turn.

To make things worse my BF is due any day now and she wants me in the delivery room and of course Ill be there, but inside Im so jealous :( Im trying so hard not to feel sorry for myself but ....its be honest..I do. I try to remind myself to be thankful for what I do have, but I just done feel complete.

Any words of wisdom you can throw my way ??

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