Single Parents

Overnights at approx 2 weeks old?

Baby daddy went from making my life a living hell during the pregnancy to becoming super dad once the baby was born. I was surprised but happy for my baby because its all about her now. As difficult as it has been to have him over our home every day pretending as if he didn't mistreat me I do it for my baby. However, he requested that the baby stay with him over the weekend and then for a week when his family came to visit. I said no to this and explained that its not recommendable to start over night visits with a new born. She's 2 weeks old! I have hired a lawyer who I will see next week.. however, someone please tell me that a judge will not allow overnight visits with the father when the baby is this young. The baby daddy said all I had to do was simply pump and give him the milk and let her stay with him. He lives about 40 minutes away so the distance isnt far. But Will a judge allow this?
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