Single Parents

A few questions I have..

BD and I were getting along, and everything was well, until I just found out that he has gotten someone else pregnant.


Id like to know if there is anything I can do this early to possibly take his rights away. I don't trust his driving skills (several unpaid speeding tickets) He smokes, drinks, and his new 'baby mama' is classified as mentally unstable and has been on watch for a few years.  


I live in the state of NY. Is it too early to talk to an attorney? 


ETA: He also lives in his car, and stays at his dads 3 bedroom sometimes with his 'baby mama', 5 siblings, his dad and step mom, Plus 7 dogs. Very unfitting for a baby. 


 ETA: he just threatened me and my baby AND i have it recorded. So I'm not playing games, hes unfit and I don't trust him around my child.

Another GBCB. Except for real this time..
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