Babies on the Brain

first comes marriage

im bumping from my (crappy) phone so i apologize in advance for ay spelling/grammatical nonsense. anyway, so my birthday is in two and a half months, and im on of those people who loves birthdays and counts down and reminds everybody how close it is. so i mention this to my boyfriend, a, and he says he already has my gift. now, he had tol me before his grandma has a ring she ofered to him when hes good and ready, and he recently went and stayed with her for a few days up north. when i asked him for clueshe just said its rainbow colored. but i think hes just trying to throw me off because ive guessed every present hes ever given me. weve talk a lot about tying the knot lately, so im thinking he got the ring. which, i cant wait to have it, because it was his grandmas engagement ring from his grandpa, and his grandpa was his only real father figure hes ever had, until h was around 21. so id love what the ring means to him, to be on me, if that makes sense. i think the reason im posting here isbecause if i said it to anyone irl, itd be preeeetty embarrasing if i were wrong.  if you made it through this whole poorly typed and poorly structured paragraph, i owe you a cupcake! thanks for the ears. botb! :)
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