Babies on the Brain

Trying to be supportive, but failing. Pitty party for one.

Dh's job is demanding. Very demanding. Part of the reason we* took the position in GA were less hours. He was told he wouldn't work more than 45 hours. BS. Tonight is week 5  where he works at least one day strait 15+ hours. Not only is it boarderlinr illegal, it is bad for his health. He isn't taking his meds properly or eating properly. We have one car right now. Him working is prohibiting me from being able to get Allie out of the house. I am going crazy in the house. We can't play outside due to Mosquitos.  (Allie is allergic) I am just frustrated. When I say something he feels attacked and adds more stress. TBH I don't know how much more of this I can take. I feel lonely a lot. I just want adult interaction. Allie needs kid interaction. Today I yelled a lot. I feel guilty. :( 

 *i say we since it was a joint choice to accept the job

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