
I feel like I can't catch a break...

So my supply has been touch and go from the beginning really. I have one breast that produces less than half of what the other produces. I had surgery to remove a cyst on that breast and my OB thinks maybe it doesn't produce as much because of that. Anyway, at the beginning of June, I got my first PP period. The week leading up to that, I thought LO was having a nursing strike or was teething because he was not staying latched for more than 5-7 minutes on each side (typically he will stay latched and sucking for 10-15, and was fussier than usual). Still normal diaper output and eating solids fine, so no concern there. I wondered if it was a supply problem, so I started pumping after each feeding to try to boost it. I would get absolutely nothing when I pumped. My period started, lasted 4 days, then my supply started coming back and LO's nursing got better. My pumping output was still minimal and I was pumping to try to rebuild the freezer stash since we had to use a lot of it during that time. On a good pumping session I would get 2-2.5 oz.

Two weeks ago, he started teething. This time, we can feel the bump under his gum and his gum is starting to get thinner. It's his first tooth, so I really don't know what to expect. He has been crankier than usual, wanting to chew, trouble with naps, and having a hard time staying latched. It's hard to tell if it's all because of teeth or a combo of teeth and being distracted. We started weighing his feedings and the most he gets (other than his first feeding of the day) is 3 oz. He nurses 4 times a day and gets solids 3 times a day.

Last week, the nursing got worse again. I was starting to feel like my period was coming back, even though normally I had a pretty regular 28 day cycle. I'm sure my body will have to adjust over the next few cycles to get back to totally regular. I am not on BC because it caused my first supply decrease when I went on it at 6 weeks PP.

Today my period is back. I feel like I just can't win. I can't get my freezer stash back up, because I don't have enough supply. I don't even think I'm producing enough milk for him at this point. I have weighed his feedings today. His first feeding after STTN 8:00-7:30 was 8 oz. Second was three and a half hours later and he ate 3 oz BM and half a jar of baby food (apple peach oatmeal yogurt). Third was three and a half hours later and he ate 2.5 oz BM, half a dish of green beans, a whole dish of sw potatoes, and half a jar of baby food (the leftover oatmeal yogurt). His next feeding will be at 7:00 PM.

I am just so frustrated. I take every supplement I can find to try and increase my supply. I am doing everything they say to do to increase it, and it just does not seem to help. I feel like I'm running out of options.  

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