
Trying to figure out who I am without nursing

DS is almost 1 year (7/12). and my plan was to do morning and night nursing over the summer and maybe 1 during the day (I work in a school and have off in the summer) then when I went back to work in September continue to do the morning/evening nurse for as long as he wanted.

This weekend ds got sick then started teething really bad.  He is refusing to nurse and will old take a bottle sometimes (his teeth are really bothing him).  Last night I ended up giving him milk in a cup because he screaming with the bottle and refused to nurse.  Advil helps a little, but not with feeding.

I am going to continue to pump incase he wants to start nursing again when his teeth feel better but I'm feeling sad that our nursing ended so abruptly.

I also am trying to figure out who I am as a mom if we don't have nursing.  It was our special bond.  It always calmed him down and he loved it.  He loved snuggling up and falling asleep nursing.  I miss that.

I did some snuggle time with him last night.  It was nice, not the same, but nice.  I need to figure out some more bonding activities.

Also, he's been wanting daddy more now (which I'm glad for dh, but I miss being the one he always wanted or turned to).

I'm just feeling sad because I had it all planned out and this was so abrupt.

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