
In need of encouragement. :(

I just need to vent somewhere .... it's been a really, really rough week. Nursing my 2mo old was going beautifully until last Sunday, when we started having trouble. He'll be hungry, but when I bring him down to the breast he starts screaming and crying and won't latch on. At this point, he now completely refuses the left side unless I manage to sneak him on there when he's sleepy from nursing on the right. It's so hard seeing him hungry all day and unable to eat. 

The lactation consultant suggested it was my overactive letdown, but I know it's not that--he likes the letdown and if it's too much for him he pulls off until it stops and latches on again without a problem. I doubt it's reflux because he hasn't been spitting up much, and it's not gas. I have no symptoms of thrush or mastitis, and I don't think it's the taste of the milk because he's taken some from a bottle. I've tried every position, every room,  and I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure this out. And now he's always upset, startles at the smallest things, smiles less often ... he's just not himself. :( We had a doctor's appointment two days ago, so I know he's not *sick*, which is a relief. But I feel so helpless. I don't know if I can go through another week of this. :(  

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