
I feel awful for even considering it.

I work part time, 4 days a week for 5 hours at a time. I have a Medela Harmony hand-pump, and I am sometimes unable to pump enough at work for DD to eat the next day. I know I don't have a supply issue; she eats just fine and is satisfied while I'm at home feeding her. I didn't know when I was pregnant that I would be working, or I would have purchased a Medela Pump In Style. I went into the interview for my job a week after DD was born and got the job, and didn't want to spend the money on the PIS because money was tight and I didn't know it was that big of a deal. Well, money is still tight, DD is going to be 4 months old and possibly starting solids soon, so it still doesn't seem like a good investment to spend $300 on a pump right now.

 I've been considering buying formula and mixing it with what I pump for her so that she's still getting breastmilk but also getting enough to eat. Have any of you had issues with this? What did you do? Should I just spend the $300 anyway? 

 I wanted to have a natural, unmedicated birth, but ended up with an induction due to high blood pressure and then a c-section because DD was posterior and my OB couldn't get her turned. I just feel like I'm going to be failing even more if I feed her formula. I just want the best for my daughter. 

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