
6 months & starting solids... How did you do it?

So my son is 6 months & a few days, and he has been exclusively breastfed.  He is in the 75th percentile for weight and doing great, but pediatrician suggested starting rice cereal and/or some solids.  I got some rice cereal today & am thawing out some pumped BM to mix with it, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next...

 Do I let him breastfeed first til he is done, then offer the rice cereal?  Or the other way around?

Do I do this rice cereal twice a day, three times a day, what?

Obviously I want his primary source of nutrition to still be my milk, but I guess it makes sense to start getting him used to the spoon, trying some new stuff, etc.

Just curious as to how you ladies went about this... Any advice appreciated! 

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