
Have I created a sleep monster?

I don't know what to do. To prepare for bed, DD is swaddled (with one arm out) and she falls asleep while nursing and then is put in the Pack-n-Play with the vibration on and will sleep for about 5 hours. When she wakes up, she wants to nurse and since she is a slow nurser and I value my sleep, I long ago started just bringing her into my bed to nurse lying down and we both fall asleep that way. My arm remains behind her head and we don't move, except she'd unlatch when she's done. She'd wake again and we'd switch sides. She definitely prefers me to the bottle, so she's basically reverse-cycling since starting daycare but she never cried, I got enough sleep, DH and toddler son were not disturbed so it seemed to work well for us.

However, I am concerned about how to eventually transition her to her own bed but also, now once she wakes and I bring her to bed, she NEVER unlatches. She is using me as a pacifier and does not want it to fall out of her mouth or she wakes up.  She has become way too dependent on nursing for sleep and I don't know what to do.

I have tried putting her down drowsy so she can practice self-soothing but that has not worked once. She is instantly awake and fussing which soon escalates to full-on crying if I leave her. She won't take a pacifier at all.

Have I ruined her sleep habits and how do I fix them? 

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