
fussing and unlatching?

The good news is my boys seem to be FINALLY getting better with their latches and my boobs are FINALLY healing. We're not out of the woods yet, but at 2 months in, I'm feeling like we might actually get to a good place with breastfeeding =)

That being said, both boys have a weird habit sometimes, that I don't understand. They will be nursing, then start fussing and wiggling, and unlatch themselves. Almost immediately they will start struggling to relatch, but even if the nipple is right in their mouths, they can't seem to grab it. So then they wiggle and fuss more. I have to compress my breast and basically shove them back on. Then a few moments later, they unlatch again and it starts all over again.

Has anyone had a LO do something similar to this? Any idea what might cause it? I'm just curious if there's anything I can do to help them so they don't get so frustrated... Thanks!!

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