
Period Started and Milk Tanked

I was a baby feeding and pumping machine for 4 months. Then, two weeks ago my period started. The week before it started my previously sttn baby started waking every 2-3, was very fussy. Then, AF came for the first time. I could barely pump 1 ounce in 45 minutes. I increased my fenugreek and blessed thistle to three, three times a day, and also started magnesium and calcium. That was helping. But, all of the herbs made me extremely sick(throwing up, couldn't keep anything down, etc.) I had to stop the supplements. In addittion to the supplements, I double pump after every nursing session to try to stimulate and make more milk. Well, it's not working. This morning, after nursing, I got a combined total of 1/2 an ounce. 


My daughter also has a sensitivity to the cow's milk protein. She gets colicy, has mucousy spit up, and gets a bad rash on her entire bottom. So, our pediatrician told us to go with soy formula. I have tried it, 3 different kinds to be exact, and she refuses to take it. I have mixed it with breastmlk to help with the transition, but it is not helping. I don't know what to do. I only have so much frozen, I did have a 60 ounce stash, but it is quickly depleting. 

I am so upset. I feel like I'm failing. I am just at a complete loss. Any suggestions or advice?  

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