
thinking about weaning...

My son is just over 10 months old.  I have been fighting with my supply for awhile now.  After having to miss a few feeding sessions lately my freezer stash is down to one bag now and I am not pumping enough for the 3 feedings I miss while at work.  I pump 3 times at work and before bed at night and still come up short.  I think I have no choice but to add formula in this week.  It just has me thinking about just starting to wean.

I am tired of all of this pumping.  He bites me now once a day at least.  So maybe it's just time to be done?

But is it silly when it is so close now to the year mark to switch to formula and then to milk shortly after?  Should I stick it out and just mix some formula in?  Maybe drop the night pumping session and just feed whatever else I get and formula? 

Thoughts? Opinions?

Daughter born July 2008; Daughter born March 2010 Son born August 2011
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