Babies on the Brain

A change for the better? *long*

So, I posted the other day about DH and I sitting down and discussing plans for our future and TTC. We agreed that we could start TTC early next year but now since we've talked about it, he's been joking around about stating to TTC much sooner than we had agreed. I was talking with him last night and he brought up that it could take a while to get BFP and he doesn't see the harm in starting sooner rather than later.

While I'm happy that he's gotten excited about wanting to try, I've kind of made this imaginary time line in my head about paying off bills/ school and where we wanted to be when we start this journey. I wanted to at least have my CNA finished and the final pre-req for the RN program completed (which I hopefully will no matter when we start. I'll be finished in November if I get accepted for fall semester or April if I get accepted in the Spring). This is due to me switching career fields.

We have insurance (health/ life etc), nice savings, padding in checking, home ownership, and retirement. Almost all of the major things we wanted when we were going to TTC, except paying off our debt and my small school loan.

So does wanting to hold off for a few more months seem selfish of me when DH is actually excited about this?  Should I take this bait and run with it and move up our plans to TTC? Pay off what we can and let the chips fall where they lie?

 Suggestions? Thoughts? Guidance? Thanks Ladies!

Oh and to add: *We would hold off TTC for at least two months because short term disability and the hospital indemnity plans are offered by my employer (as well as FMLA) and we would want time for those to kick in first.

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