Single Parents

Breaking all parenting rules

So, my girls spent their first nights with their dad this week. I went to get them this morning. He was barely awake, unaware of the time, hadn't fed them the breakfast he had promised. So my 4yo was mad and didn't want to come with me cause she wanted her promised breakfast with daddy.

Long story short, he then made the breakfast even though it was my time to have the girls and I had to get them to daycare so I could get to work (daycare is with my mom). He purposely made me late for work; lazed around in bed rather than getting up and being a dad; messed with their routine and what he had promised; and yelled at me in front of the girls.

Seriously? I could have refused to let them have breakfast there, but that would have upset them, so I just went home. I waited 30 minutes, then my mom went to get them. I saw them for about 20 minutes, then got to work an hour and half late.

He is doing everything he can to screw with me, which we know really hurts the kids.

Any advice on damage control for my poor girls? And is the best tactic to just avoid being around him if at all possible (ie: having my mom do drop-off and pick-ups)? How do you handle a situation like that without fighting in front of the girls and making them feel like they have to choose?


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