
Can my milk come back?

This may be a dumb question, but I lost my supply very fast. I have no idea why. The LC's, my OB, and the pediatrician can't explain it either. My LO got colostrum on day one, but my milk didn't come it till day 4 and it was gone by day 6. I struggled everyday with BFing, pumping, name it, but could never get more than 1/4 of an ounce from both boobs combined. I was formula supplementing the entire time. I even used a supplemental feeder. Finally I reached the day the NOTHING was coming out. This was about 5 days ago. I have been an emotional wreck over it. My baby was born almost 4 weeks early and she lost a lot of weight. She will be 3 weeks tomorrow and is finally back to her birth weight. I am wondering if there is a chance my milk supply could come back? I just want to BF so bad, and it's probably just wishful thinking. 
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