
Thrush? Bacterial infection? Please help!

I'm going to try to make a VERY long story short! After 4 weeks of pain free breastfeeding, I started having stabbing and burning pains in both breasts. My nipples were very read and my LO had the tell tale sign of white bumps in his mouth, indicating Thrush. I was not only on antibiotics for the majority of my pregnancy (a sinus infection every month while I was pregnant as long as pneumonia), but also, since I tested positive for Strept B, I was on Penicillan every 4 hours during labor, so approximately 6 rounds of it, and ended up with a CS anyway :)

I sought treatment from my general practictioner whom prescribed topical Nystatin for me and Oral Nystatin for my son. I wasn't confident that the topical cream would do much for the internal pain I was feeling within my breasts, but decided to try it anyway. After a few days of use, my nipples were worse and were dry, cracked and bleeding.

I got ahold of a Lactation Consultant who suggested a long list of things to do and try. She said it sounded like the Thrush had moved into the ducts. She suggested prescriptions for Dr. Jack Newman's Nipple Ointment and Diflucan. She also suggested a list full of natural remedies to help restore my normal flora and keep up my immune system (probiotics, coconut oil, etc). I also kept EVERYTHING clean. I stearilized everything every night (pump parts, nipples and bottles), washed clothes in hot water and vinegar, kept my nipples clean with a vinegar solution... I did everything I could at home to keep the infection at bay.

I went back to my general practitioner armed with the info on Dr. Jack Newman's Nipple Ointment and the Diflucan. While she was more than willing to prescribe the Ointment, she said I would have to pump and dump on the Diflucan. So I walked out with nothing else to treat the systemic infection that I had.

I eventually found a breastfeeding "clinc" in my area. You make an appointment and see both an MD and Lactation Consultant at the same time. They evaluate you and your little one and prescribe meds as needed. I was SO relieved! It was confirmed that it was Thrush (from the pain and other physical symptoms). I walked out with a 2 week prescription for Diflucan and knew that relief would be on the horizion, which it was!

However, about 6 days ago, it came back with a vengance, even though I was still on the Diflucan. So I went back to the clinic today. I saw a new MD and LC and after a lot of himming and hawwing, they came to the conclusion that maybe it's a bacterial infection instead, but I have no fever or chills. So they prescribed me a double dose of Kephlex, an antibiotic. 4 pills a day for 10 days. I have now taken the first 4 pills of the prescription.

I know I haven't been on the antibiotics long, but I SWEAR I already feel WORSE! :( Maybe it's mental? I trust their medical discretion and all but what makes me nervous is that if it truely IS YEAST, these antibiotics are going to make it 100x worse! The pain has been SO bad that it's hard to complete everyday tasks. I am just absolutely miserable! The motrin and extra strenght tylenol that I'm taken is of no help either.

I'm just at a lost and very confused right now as well as in a lot of pain. So what IS it? Yeast infection? Bacterial infection? Has this happened to anybody else? What if they really did diagonse it wrong and I end up with an even worse yeast infection?

I'm very greatful that I'm taking an extra 3 weeks off of work because I was scheduled to go back on Tuesday... there is NO way I would be able to function! I am not going to give up on the antibiotics yet and HOPEFULLY they'll help. Your opinions and experiences would mean a lot to me! Thanks in advance!


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