
Balancing feeding enough without overfeeding?

DD *loves* to eat. When I nurse her, she almost never cuts herself off. After awhile I just try to unlatch her, and if she gets mad, we keep going. Otherwise I would literally sit there all day. I've tried.

Now with me being back at work, the nanny is running into issues with the bottle. DD easily takes 4oz at a feeding every 2 hours, though it's important to note that she STTN 10-11 hours, so she's running a deficit in the morning. Some days she seems to be hungry about 30 minutes after we give her the bottle. Should we give more? I don't want to deprive her if she's having a growth spurt but I also don't want to overfeed. She definitely eats at least 30oz per day between nursing and the bottle, but maybe that's just her? Just curious if there are any tips on how to know if they just want to suck of if they're really hungry (she won't take a paci).

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