
Question from a future BFer for the experienced

I am due to have my first baby in early September and plan to breastfeed for the first year. I know that in the early stages, the baby will probably nurse often and I expect to be with him almost 24/7 to allow for that. I will be working on my dissertation at home from the time he's born until he's at least 8 months old. So, I don't have to worry about pumping at work, etc.

However, my husband and I would like to take a couple of vacations next year (without DS), and I'm trying to figure out how feasible this would actually be. One trip is already set and will be paid for by DH's company, so this one is not negotiable. It's in early February (DS will be 5 months old) and it is 5 days/4 nights. If I have to stay home, I will, but I'd rather not turn down a free vacation! How hard will it be to be away from DS for this long while nursing? Obviously, I will pump to keep up my supply. How often should I expect to have to pump at this point? 

We'd also like to go to Europe next year. It's been on our bucket list for a long time, but until now we haven't been able to afford it. This would be a longer trip- probably 10 days or so. Ideally, we'd like to go in late Spring or early summer (DS would be 8-10 months), but I'm wondering if we should just wait until after he's weaned.

Am I crazy to think I can do this? I hope I don't seem selfish or naive, but I really just don't know how often babies nurse after the first few months or how separation can affect nursing habits or milk supply.

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