North Carolina Babies


I don't think I've introduced myself here yet.

28yo expecting our first.  We live in Johnston county and I work in Raleigh

We weren't expecting to get pregnant yet.  Not tyring but not preventing.  Severe PCOS and only ovulate once a year (happened in early Dec 2011 and got pregnant in Jan 2012, total SHOCK!)

Found out about a month ago that we are having a little boy.  We are so thrilled that everything is look ok so far.  The Dr wants to do another u/s because they couldn't see his face well at all.  It was very shadowy and he looked more like Venom than an adorable baby boy.   The main reason for the second u/s cleft pallate/lip runs in SO's family and we do want to be more prepared for when he gets here. 

Our families weren't excited at first (we have had some bad luck with our jobs, but are both working), but as time is going by and knowing the people that we are, they are getting more and more eager to meet our little one.

So, here I am NC.  Me and SO can't wait to bring little Shepard into the world and introduce him to the Wolfpack. :) (yes we are State fans)

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