Babies on the Brain


My SIL (DH's brother's wife) has been going through a lot lately. Her adult son has dealt with addiction issues for several years and now is back off the wagon. BIL deployed last year (he's back now) which was very, very hard on her. Also While BIL was deployed, someone broke into their home and stole BIL's vast gun collection, which I'm sure took a pretty good psychological blow. Also they moved for the military a year or so ago from an area they loved to an area neither on likes at all, and I don't think she loves her job or has made any good friends. And she feels like they can't leave town for fear her son will rob her (he wasn't the burglar but he will steal to support his drug habit. She has been vagebooking a lot and virtually everything she posts is one of those sappy photos with a hopeful phrase or psalm on it. It's pretty clear she could use a friend or a listening ear. The problem I I don't know her very well. I've met her in person about 3 times, I think. I hate to see her hurting, though, and her FB posts kind of break my heart.

DH and I have been talking about going out to visit them this summer. We have an excuse; a favoorite singer is playing there in Sept but that's not what is important. Still, I don't want to be a burden at all. If I knew it would help, I'd be there in a heartbeat. But I know visitors usually add stress, not take it away. What say you?
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