
Pumping on vacation?

We are going on a 1 week vacation, flying to get to our destination.  I am wondering if its worth it/necessary to drag my pump and dump or transport the milk.  My son is EBF and we've never had a problem with supply.  I pump once a day to build up a stash and generally get 3 - 5 ounces.  If he takes a bottle, I may or may not replace that with an additional pumping session depending how much I pumped that day.  I have gone a day or two without pumping at all.  (I pump in the morning and on an odd day I may just crawl back into bed.)

My sense is I could drop the pumping session while we are on vacation and build back up when we get back.  This would save ourselves the challenge of lugging a pump, storing and/or transporting milk, etc.  We'll have about a month between when we get back and my return to work, so I feel like we have some time to increase production before I have to switch over to mostly pumping.

Curious if anyone has any advice or thoughts.


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