
Finally latched on...4 months later

My son is almost 4 months & I have been exclusively pumping for about 3 months. He never latched on well and I had a low milk supply. I decided this would be my last month pumping and we would use all formula.

 Well on a whim the other night I tried to see if he would latch...and he did!! I fought for so long for him to nurse and it never worked and now when I'm ready to give up breastmilk altogether, he latches on!

So...I know I have a low supply...I'm only able to pump 12 oz a a day and he eats around 30. I've heard babies get the milk out better than a pump, so do you think he may be getting more now that he's nursing? I'm not pumping at all anymore. I returned the hospital pump I was using. I'm just trying to figure out where to go from here bc I'm still making formula bottles, but never know how much he's actually getting from me. Should I go by what I was pumping before? Do you think he's getting more or less now that I quit pumping?  Any suggestions?

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