
Just when I thought things were looking up (vent)

I don't understand!!! Since day one LO was a high maintenance baby. She basically lives on my chest. She's been a snacker/cat napper type of baby. Nights started out with her going down at 12 and then gradually got up to around 10:30. She also started sleeping til 5-6am AND in her swing instead of on me. After her 6 week growth spurt she was doing great! Going longer between nursing sessions and napping better. Last weekend she turned 8 weeks and it was our best weekend yet regarding nursing and sleeping...... And then Monday came. She went back to nursing NON STOP and won't let me put her down even to go to the bathroom. She won't fall asleep before midnight again and is waking up every 2 hours. She's also spitting up A LOT!! Way more than usual. Her temp is fine and she doesn't seem to be under the weather or anything. Is this really just another growth spurt?!? I know every baby is different but I thought I was supposed to get a little break between 6 weeks and 12 weeks??? I never read about an 8 week growth spurt. 

 Its even more stressing because there is NOTHING my husband can do to soothe her. He's actually really resentful about it and he sarcastically says things like "she hates me" and "the next kid is getting formula". I wish I could give him a bottle a night so he can feel more involved and I could have a break but I don't have a high supply for pumping. Only an ounce or two to spare here and there and that's only when I can put her down long enough to pump.  

Most people I know have no experience with a breast fed baby so they think I'm crazy and I'm spoiling her. The few experienced BF'ers  just keep telling me it'll get better. I guess I just need some reassurance that it will, indeed, get better. I'm so tired, stressed, smell like spit up and can't remember the last time I showered. 

 Thanks for reading my rant if you made it this far.  

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