
Supply issues?

So my DD is almost 5 weeks.  BF has been going very well.  It is her favorite place in the world (on the BF pillow with mommies BB's!).  However, she always wants more, always!  We can feed, sometimes for hours, and she still is not satisfied.  She is actually hungry!

I have tried pumping after her feeds and given her some extra in a bottle (typically can't produce more than 1 to 2 ounces after she feeds that much).  That seems to make her happy for just a bit.  I know she needs to feed a ton to bring in the supply she needs, but seriously, we have done feeds of up to 3 hours, then back on in 30 minutes.  Is that normal?

 So, that led me to start supplementing with a small formula bottle (1 or 2 oz) depending upon her demonstration of dissatisfaction.  I find that even when I do that, BF her, pump after, give her a small formula supplement, each day I am giving more formula!

I have tried to make sure I pumped and fed her on the breast so that the supplement did not effect my supply.  Did I mess this up?  We are now at like 6 to 8 oz of formula per day!  That's in addition to every feeding being on the breast, combined sometimes with 2 oz botle of pumped milk! 

Before the supplementing she gained 19 oz in 14 days!  She has great pee and poop diapers regularly.  She is doing so well, but this formula thing is starting to bug me. 

I guess after that ramble, what I want to know is could my supply be low, since she never seems satisfied?  I eat oatmeal, take fenugreek, drink tons of water, have tried Brewers yeast and even add flaxseed meal to my cereal when I eat that, etc.

If this helps, when I pump on full breasts (not engorged, just a few hours since she fed) I get up to 4 oz total (mostly end of feeding that to her instead of stashing it)

I also feel like I'll never be able to have a freezer supply and go out for a bit!

 Any help for this FTM is appreciated!

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