
Aesthetic Q - Belly overlap after c-section

I had a c-section in April. I had no problems and the scar has healed up wonderfully. The scar is really low.

However,  there is some loose skin hanging just above the scar, i.e. my "pooch". I was a sie 6 pre-pregnancy and am back at that size, and have never had a flat stomach (and never a big one either), but now the skin on my lower belly is definitely looser and sort of hangs, just above the scar.

So my question is, does anyone know if it will always be like that, or if it will "even out"? I'm especially worried because I didn't have an appetite after giving birth and lost the weight quickly, but now my appetite is back with a vengeance and I'm probably gaining weight fairly quickly. I don't want to do anything that may encourage my pooch to jut out, which I assume it will do.. 

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