Dads & Dads-to-be

Wives and Mother-In-Laws.

So, my father is coming over to help me switch some wall outlets out and work on some neglected plumbing issues tonight.  My mom decided to tag along.  Mind you, the house is not really up to par lately...I try the best I can to keep up, but I clean like a dude.

At 8pm last night the wife starts doing a hard core cleaning of the whole house.  Apparently, I did not read her mind well enough and I am setting her up by having my folks come over tonight.  I guess my wife told my mom that it would be next week, but I was never told that.  From 8-10 it was target practice for my wife, with me as the target for a serious *** session!!!

I just keep trying to remind myself....2 1/2 more months and whoever this is will leave and I will get my wife back!!

What is it with wives and our mother's??  They get along very well in my case, but when it comes to the house, it is as if my mom will use the ocassion to slam my wife, according to her.  I will never understand that, because the whole time I was telling her that if my mother has anything to say about the house, she can say it to me.

Women are whack!! 

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