
Not making weight gains

We took Archer for his circumcision today. He's wonderfully healthy and the procedure went well (he didn't even cry). But he's only gained 1oz in a week and is still down 10oz from his birth weight. The doctor spent some time consoling me because I immediately burst into exhausted/frusterated tears. She said BF babies gain weight slower. She asked how much I pump, asked if he is fussy and how his diapers are. Everything w/ him is perfect - 6 wet diapers/3 dirty ones per day, he eats every 2 hrs and drains both boobs. When I've pumped to store, I get 2oz from both boobs combined.
She said my choices are to try to exclusively BF another week and hope he makes better gains, or to start now supplementing one feed w/ a bottle of formula and make sure to pump during that feeding. I feel a bit like a failure, but we're going to supplement now and hope he starts gaining weight appropriately. I hope doing this gives us an added bonus of suplus BM in the freezer for when I go back to work in August. I still feel bad because we work so hard on BFing and I didn't want this outcome.
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