
Wondering about going from BF to EP??

I've been wondering if I should go from BF to EP. My son is 4 months old. I BF for the first 4 wks and we didn't have a problem. Then I had to go back to school to finish my degree before I 'timed out'. I had lots of issues with my clinical sites about being able to pump. That led to a huge drop in supply, using my entire freezer stash, and having to suppliment with formula. Now I'm done with school and we are trying to get back on track. The milk supply is getting back up, but he doesnt nurse well anymore. He fusses, cries, latches on lets go a million times, bobs his head bad and forth like he can't figure out where to latch. Before I went back to school we were doing a great job. Its gotten so bad my poor nipples are raw from trying to feed him and thats never happened before. I think he must have gotten used to being bottle fed at daycare and now prefers it. At night he does a little bit better, but its still a struggle. I've tried to 'start over' and do the unlatch/latch til we get a good latch, but then he just lets go and we start all over and an hour later we both end up in tears...

So, I'm wondering if I should stop trying to nurse and just EP? I don't want to quit BF yet, but I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

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