Omaha Babies

Picking Godparents

How did you choose the godparents for your baby if you decide to have a baptism? I would like to do a married couple that is a very close friend of ours and is very active in our baby's life. My husband wants to do his brother who lives in town but rarely has time to come around. I don't want my sisters as godparent because I'm not close enough to an option would be one of my good friends or my cousin. I would struggle choosing the friend because I wouldn't want to hurt the other's feelings.....and my cousin lives out of town so doesn't have quite as active a role in his life. HELP!


Not that this matters or should be taken into consideration, but the friends I want are who we have as our son's beneficiary so they take him if we die - that's how close we are to them.


Thanks in advance! 


PS - I saw a post about someone wanting to trade similac coupons for enfamil - I would gladly take anyone else's similac coupons and do my best to trade something for it :) Our babe is on the alimentum which is quite pricey - the coupons help a ton!

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