
Hump Day Pump Day Check In

Good morning ladies!  This check in is for EP'ers or others who pump.  If you wish to join the EP group on Facebook, there is a link in my siggy.

QOTW: What was your reason to exclusively pump?  Did you decide right away or did you go to pumping because LO wasn't BF'ing well?

My answer:  LO nursed great right off the bat but when my milk came in before we left the hospital, he started having a hard time latching.  I continued to try to nurse and finger feed him but this became cumbersome after leaving the hospital.  After struggling to feed my older LO I decided I would not put myself through that mental anguish again.  When Cal was about two weeks old, I made the decision to go to EP and have never looked back!

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Jack Emmett born on 2/2/10 after 17 cycles and a miscarriage
Calvin Wyatt born on 1/10/12. Our surprise baby!

EP Facebook Group ~*~ My Baby/Life Blog
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