
Help Please

Hello! I am writing with hope that someone here has some advice or a similar experience.

My daughter is 10 weeks old and since 6 weeks has been crying while feeding. She usually starts crying about 5 min. into the feeding and will start kicking her legs, kneading my breasts,acting like she is in pain and popping on and off the breast. When I put her up on my shoulder to burp her she usually calms down but will become very stiff first and throw her head back (arcing?). This doesn't happen at every feeding all the time, although some days it does, and usually gets worse as the night goes on until I can only feed her in 5 min. increments before bed. The only things that seem to help at all are holding her on my shoulder, giving her a paci and switch nursing. I have tried laid back nursing and she hates it. Her cries and screams break my heart and I cry a lot. This is not what I pictured breastfeeding to be like and I want us both to enjoy it. After I calm her down from a feeding she is generally happy, except at night when we can't seem to calm her down and she seems to be in so much pain.

I have met with an LC and my local LLL leader and they both thought it was a dairy sensitivity issue. I have been off dairy/soy since Friday and have seen an improvement with her congestion but not with the crying. Her poop has always been a normal color and her weight gain is fine. They both said they don't think I have oversupply (because she can handle the letdown although it does spray) and I don't have undersupply. I am now thinking maybe she has silent reflux? We are bring her to the Dr. today to get another opinion. What do you think? Has anyone had a similar experience? Will this ever end? I am so sad and I just want a solution. Thanks so much.  

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